Well, it finally happened!!!!! I forgot to blog!! I totally missed the month of March. I wish I could say it was because we were sooooooooo busy that I just didn't have the time to write. Well, we have been busy - but not that busy! I will just chalk it up to my senioritis flaring up.
We had a long weekend (again) in March. This holiday was Humanity Day. Anyway, we (meaning all four of the Lees) went back to our favorite game park - Pilanesburg. We stayed in Rustenberg, a town about 30 minutes from the park. As usual, we saw many, many animals - all of the big five except for a leopard. We saw lions, rhinos, buffalo, elephants and lots of antelope. For the first time, we saw a sable antelope and a tsessebe antelope. Will put pictures in for the official April blog.
We have been going out to a small branch in a little township called Orange Farm on Sundays to help the members get names prepared for a temple trip the branch has planned for April 22nd. We will go out one more time and finish up. Several of the members are going to the temple for the first time to receive their own endowment. Such lovely, humble, special people. Africa is a "happening" place right now. It was exciting to hear that another temple will be built here in Africa - Kenya, this time. That will make eight temples in Africa.
The latest thing happening right now is that Allan hasn't been feeling super good lately. He went for an evaluation today and Friday they will be doing an MRI. He has been getting headaches that are progressively getting worse. So, keep us in your prayers. Will keep you posted here or via email or FB.
For those of you who watched General Conference this weekend, S. Mark Palmer (Sunday Afternoon session) is 2nd counselor in the Area Presidency and is our ecclesiastical leader here. We had our quarterly interview with him in February and our temple recommend interview with him in March. He and his wife are amazing.
I will be blogging for April very soon and pictures will be forthcoming!
Happy Springtime!
Sure hope Alan's headaches are diminishing.